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Apr 22, 2024
A journey to a 220-year-old industry giant Valmet
In the realm of industrial innovation and sustainability, few names shine as brightly as Valmet. A global leader in energy, pulp, board, tis

Jul 31, 2023
Journey to the peak of knowledge
In a world where all the simple things are invented, why would one spend effort on scientific research of topics that whole industries...

Jun 5, 2023
Good advice for communicating with media and reaching the public consciousness
Traditional journalism is still the most reliable way to bring facts into public consciousness. While different social media and...

Nov 21, 2022
Why are scientists so boring?
Whenever there is an expert interviewed in the media, they present their views in a very dry manner. One can start to think: How on earth...

Oct 3, 2022
DSII Roundup in Nokia Arena's Paidia space
Roundup is a concept where PhD students in different stages of DSII meet a few times a year to share the stages of their research work...

Jun 3, 2022
"I have become that inventor I once dreamed of"
This story is for the rainy days when one feels down, defeated and just a little bit more stupid than others. This is a story to remind...

May 3, 2022
Doctoral student's advice: "Keep that curious kid alive!"
Once there was a little kid in a small village in north India, where cooking was done by burning wood or straw. Like most kids, that...

Jan 28, 2022
The important thing on this journey is not to do everything on your own
The journey of a doctoral researcher is a strenuous one. You are challenged on all sides. It forces you to dig deep inside yourself to...

Jan 18, 2022
Modern media: Creating and inspiring the world with better content
Modern media is a weapon in this current world. Our culture is reflected in the media, and we must adjust to the changes that have...

Jan 11, 2022
The double-edged sword of media can cut the one who doesn't know how to use it
The civilization developed the newspaper in the 18th century and the radio and television in the 20th century [1]. These media methods...

Dec 10, 2021
The risks of following a celebrity instead of scientists
What happens when people choose their idol and his/her inadequate knowledge instead of a real scientist who truly knows what she/he is...

Oct 22, 2021
Stories, Shocks, and Big Bangs: How to make one’s research interesting?
The title of my PhD dissertation is “The impact of public value and value creation logics on a performance-generating operating culture...

Oct 18, 2021
Forget everything you have learned in doctoral school – Now it’s all about personality
Have you ever wondered why the same experts always get the spotlight? Do we not have any other expert on European issues than Timo...

May 31, 2021
Network of sensors for real time air pollution measurement
More and more people live in an urban environment than ever before, which means that more and more people get exposed to toxic emissions...

May 27, 2021
Slaying the Dragon – The story of my research topic
There are many ways to slay a figurative dragon, at least as many as there are such dragons to slay. Among us engineers, these "dragons"...

May 25, 2021
99% of business communications is bullshit
Storytelling and corporate communications, intertwined brothers from different mothers might not be the first impression that comes to...

May 24, 2021
Breaking Down Ice on a Frozen Lake – Swiss Cheese Model Analysis
During the winter of 2020 – 2021 in Hervanta, I teamed up with a group of people every Sunday to build snow structures such as igloos,...

May 11, 2021
Can standards-compliant working boots lead to an accident?
Working boots are something standard for a working person in a heavy industry. Boots design includes many safety features against e.g....

Jan 25, 2021
The difficult case of avoiding errors
When you compare those, who are unfamiliar to those who are experienced at a certain task, you might think that those who are unfamiliar...

Jan 22, 2021
Acknowledging human factors in adopting new technologies
The second lecture of the Exploring Industry Experience course by Professor Stephen Wright focused on how various human factors, rather...
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