Saeed Bakhshi Germi, 31, has been one of the first people to start creating solutions for safety in AI before regulations come into place. He states that he is happy to have been doing research on the mater during a transient time, when the field was still relatively new.
Germi has done his doctoral research in collaboration with Forum for Intelligent Machines (FIMA). He now works for one of FIMA’s member companies, Technion, and will continue to do so after his graduation. Germi explains that he has enjoyed his collaboration with FIMA.
“It’s great collaboration because now I have connections in all these industries that are relevant to my working field”, Germi proclaims.
During his doctoral studies in DSII, Germi has been bridging the gap between academia and industry regarding the topic of safety in AI. His aim is to make AI friendly to the industry.
“Once the industry has access to the tools they need, then the technology is also advancing from the academia side and becomes profitable.”
Germi brings up how company executives in Finland are interested in new technologies and new academic findings. He highlights the importance of attending relevant events and creating networks in your field of science. Germi himself has been actively participating in events relating to his research and will continue to do so after graduation.
“It’s always good to have more connections and talk to them and see what the challenges in the industry are”, Germi notes.
DSII studies
Germi states, that DSII offers doctoral students a great opportunity to meet people from their industry. His industry partner, FIMA, has also made it possible for him to visit different companies and events.
Germi recommends DSII for people who are interested in working in companies after graduation, and who want an easy way to network with industry people. He notes that most of DSII students end up working in the industry after graduating.
According to Germi, the first year of doctoral studies can be the also the most challenging. On the other hand, DSII’s long contracts ensure doctoral students security while getting familiar with their research.
DSII also brings together newer and more experienced doctoral students. Germi shares that in the beginning of his doctoral studies, it was helpful to hear about the experiences of alumni and those who were close to graduating.
”There are people that have done it before me, so I can do it as well!”
Now that Germi is graduating, his own experiences are sure to inspire other doctoral students to build connections on their field.
Text: Veera Rautio