DSII had its Roundup session last week’s Friday, 22nd of November at DSII space in the Hervanta campus of Tampere University. This time’s theme was “Taking Innovation to Markets, a Marketer’s View” and we had the honor to get Ukko Järvinen, the Sales Director of Marketing agency Bermuda, to share his expertise around the topic to us. The morning’s program consisted of morning coffee, a roundup of DSII cases and peer review, and the keynote of visiting expert, Ukko Järvinen.

Last week happened to be the nationwide Children’s Rights Week and at the same time with that, Ombudsman for Children, the Central Union for Child Welfare and the Ministry of Employment and Economy of Finland organized Bring Your Child to Work Day. Theme day’s aim is to show children where the adults are working and how they spend their days. DSII also participated in the theme day by inviting the children of Ph.D. students to DSII Roundup.

In his speak, Ukko Järvinen introduced the Marketing agency Bermuda and their role and view on industrial and technology marketing in the field of B2B, through the following topics:
• From features to benefits, the “why”
• Answering to the customer needs, the value proposition canvas
• Reaching the right people in the right channels
• A practical example of a typical case &
• Couple of examples of the outcomes.
Yet again we had a rewarding session with all of our Ph.D. students and the visiting innovation expert Ukko Järvinen.
As the year is starting to draw near its end, it is time for us to turn our eyes to the final steps of DSII cases in 2019 to be ready to welcome 2020.