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In Pori we learned that wind power is amazing

Did you know that even the smallest wind turbine is roughly the size of Näsinneula, the Tampere-based landmark with a respectable height of 168 meters? This is one of the amazing things we learned at the Pori DSII excursion in June.

Suomen Hyötytuuli wind turbines
Suomen Hyötytuuli's wind turbines at Pori offshore. Photo: Nea Alanen

We had a great day with wonderful weather. We had a very interesting induction to wind power at the Suomen Hyötytuuli premises. Even one of our old DSII graduates, Juha Niemi who is working in Suomen Hyötytuuli, was there.

Hyötytuuli has wind farms in many locations, both coast, offshore and inland. Did you know that the wind turbine foundations are dug in the sea bottom with an excavator carrying a 15m wide scoop?

DSII at pori
Juha Niemi, Jukka Matikainen, Nea Alanen, German Torres, Mikko Salo, Juha Leppänen, Ville Karlsson, Andrei Ahonen, Erkka Virtanen, Abhishekh Singhal. 2nd row: Elina Tiainen, Mikko Johansson, Amirhossein Zabihi, Samu-Pekka Ojanen, Panagiotis Korkos.

There are so many benefits to wind power.

It’s undeniably sustainable and environmentally friendly with no emissions. It creates jobs and financial advantages for the area where a wind farm is built. A wind turbine can be used for about 70 years. After that, the wind turbine can be dismantled and recycled.

We were all amazed for the excellent introduction to wind power. These huge, monumental turbines harness the wind and create electricity for thousands and thousands of people. Totally impressing.

After that, we went on a boat ride to see the offshore wind farm. The wind turbines were huge! After that we had a delicious lunch at the restaurant Merimesta at Reposaari Port.

The day was beautiful, warm, and sunny.

pori yyteri
Fat biking at Yyteri. Photo: Nea Alanen

We travelled to Huikee adventure park where we had the greatest time cycling in the forest with fat bikes. Pori treated us well and it was a great way to dive into summer.


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