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Two open positions (2): Doctoral Researcher in Power electronics and electromechanics

DSII position with Patria

Apply by November 30th 2023

Doctoral Researcher in Power electronics and electromechanics

The Doctoral School of Industry Innovations (DSII) at Tampere University (TAU) offers a unique opportunity to combine dissertation research, addressing business challenges, building professional networks, and engaging in innovation.

The research group of Power Electronics at the Electrical Engineering Unit, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University focuses on different power-electronics applications such as renewable-energy and energy-storage systems. The research group of Electromechanics focuses on electromagnetic and electromechanical energy conversion. The two groups are opening two positions for Doctoral Researchers in the Doctoral School of Industry Innovations ( which are co-funded by Danfoss Drives.

Danfoss Drives is a global leader in AC/DC and DC/DC power conversion, as well as variable speed control for electric motors. With the world’s largest portfolio of power converters, VACON® drives and VLT® drives, our journey to a better future is only just a beginning. We focus on energy efficiency, sustainability and quality in our products, and inclusion & diversity in our work environment ( Job description

We are looking for two Ph.D. students for the investigation and development of next generation galvanically isolated DC/DC converters. The aim is to push the state-of-the-art limitations by applying latest technological advancements in power electronics, electromagnetics and machine learning.

The students will be conducting both theoretical research and experimental validation in advanced industrial environments. The two positions have a common goal to develop a fully functioning DC/DC converter to achieve disruptive performance targets.

The work is divided as follows:

Position 1: Hardware development. The goal is to investigate the optimal hardware development considering both theoretical and practical constraints. The work includes the optimization of magnetic components, the optimal use of latest semiconductor technologies, and the application of machine learning techniques.

Position 2: Control development. The goal is to develop optimal control method(s) for the chosen hardware configuration to achieve best performance targets. The work includes the investigation of zero voltage switching and anti-saturation control.

Position 2 is part of the DSII Scale-up Pilot project, which is run by University of Helsinki and Tampere University, together with the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation and participating companies. Both universities participate in the guidance of selected doctoral student. This enables unique possibility for diverse and complementary research from theory to applications in a highly motivated, cross disciplinary environment.

Moreover, DSII Scale-up Pilot Project requires that the doctoral researcher is ready to participate in DSII meetings also on the campuses of the University of Helsinki and to work in the partner company's premises when necessary. Remote work opportunities are agreed upon separately when needed.

The work in the two positions is carried out in close collaboration with continuous feedback and guidance from the research team and the industrial partner. In both positions, an iterative approach comprising of both simulations and measurements will be required.

Engaging in DSII events, excursions, meetings, and training sessions with fellow doctoral students will provide mutual peer support.

Remote work opportunities are agreed upon separately when needed. The results will be disseminated in scientific peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, doctoral network events and events with industry. Requirements

Successful candidate holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering. The candidate should have solid knowledge of the fundamentals of power electronics and basic principles of electromagnetic. The applicant possesses the relevant theoretical skills and experience in MATLAB/Simulink.

In addition, experience on some of the following topics is appreciated:

Position 1 (hardware): design of inductive components, modern magnetic materials, power semiconductor technologies, computational electromagnetics software (e.g. COMSOL Multiphysics or Ansys).

Position 2 (control): fundamentals in control design, different topologies of power-electronics converters, experimental studies of power-electronics converters

The position also requires:

  • Good English language skills

  • Ability to independently conduct systematic scientific research and complete doctoral studies.

  • Ability to work in a team and communicate clearly in a multidisciplinary and international environment

Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements.As a DSII researcher, you should be interested in innovation and collaboration with industry to solve meaningful real-life problems. You need to have an inquiring mind and the ability to think independently while also being able to work in a team and be an active member of the DSII community. A good command of English, both in writing and in oral presentations, is required. How to apply & more info The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of four years, starting in fall 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. APPLY and find a more detailed description of the position, salary, and other terms of employment. For further information, please contact:

Associate Professor Tomi Roinila, tomi.roinila (at), +358 40 198 1171 (power electronics)

Associate Professor Paavo Rasilo, paavo.rasilo (at), +358 40 849 0409 (electromechanics)


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