About the scale-up pilot
DSII model has been utilized by Tampere University for over eight years with 40+ cases and 25 companies. Now, the DSII model is being piloted and developed further in collaboration with University of Helsinki, Tampere University and Tamlink Ltd. The pilot is supported and funded by the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation and the industry partner companies.
In the DSII scale-up the PhD students will be utilizing a multidisciplinary approach in solving the global challenges. DSII's goal is to educate high-level professionals with the ability to understand and combine business and science, and offer solutions, knowledge and experts for the industry partners.
For the PhD students, the DSII scale-up is a unique opportunity to gain support and facilities from the industry partner and both universities, as each student will have academic supervisors from both Tampere University and University of Helsinki.
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Scale-up pilot
DSII Scale-up Pilot is a groundbreaking collaboration between Finland's two largest universities, University of Helsinki and Tampere University.
DSII PhD students will be solving the grand challenges of our lifetime during and after their doctoral studies.